About Me

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For over 15 years, I have been teaching and inspiring people in South Korea, but I have also been an avid learner myself. I have always been interested in the web and its opportunities, so I decided to plunge into the world of tech and code. And it has been a wonderful experience! The more I experimented, the more I realized how much there is to create. And I relish every aspect of it!

My coding journey began on freeCodeCamp.org, where I acquired the essential skills of web development: HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I applied these skills to create responsive web pages and applications, and earned a full-stack developer certification. But I was eager to learn more. I encountered Python, and used it to develop a report card comment generator, using my previous comments as data. I also experimented with Django and React Native, and developed a prototype of a delivery-sharing app. However, the app did not receive the funding we expected. Then I purchased a raspberry pi, and learned how to work on a remote system. From there, I explored linux, bash, vim, tmux, config files, and terminal commands. Then I got an opportunity to work for a start-up that had funding. I inherited a code base and had to re-learn React.js, but I successfully implemented all the features they requested and eliminated a multitude of the bugs.

I code to automate tasks and save time for myself and others. I look for patterns and opportunities to optimize processes that are tedious and time-consuming. Whether it is creating PO Sheets, invoices, or reports, I can design solutions that can handle them efficiently and accurately. I enjoy using my skills and creativity to solve problems and improve workflows. 🤝

My computer is my primary tool for coding, but I also have other interests that keep me in shape and entertained. I have fun running around my neighborhood and playing golf at the closest driving range. Running is a hobby that I have rediscovered, and golf is a passion that I have newly developed.


Suit Yourself

Suit Yourself

A web-app workout based on playing cards

Mobile first, works best on Mobile Chrome


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Running on Xero (Blog)

Running on Xero (Blog)

A blog made to celebrate minimalist running in Xero Shoes

Affiliate links included


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Purchase Order Generator

Encrypted Purchase Order PDF Generator

A Purchase Order Generator that encrypts Payee data. Not mobile friendly.

username and password: guest


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A timer that also gives you a break. Let's get to work!


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Random Name Picker

Random Name Picker

Need to choose random names from a list? Here you go!


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(according to ip addresses)
