About Me

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After graduating with a BS degree from Cornell Univeristy, I took a leap and traveled half-way around the world. My journey stopped in South Korea, where I've been teaching and inspiring others for over 15 years. During that time, and my curiosity led me to dive into the world of tech. Starting with HTML, CSS, and Javascript on freeCodeCamp.org, I quickly progressed, earning a full-stack developer certification and venturing into Python for personal projects.

My coding journey expanded to include Django, React Native, and a prototype for a delivery-sharing app, though it unfortunately didn't secure funding. I've also dabbled with Raspberry Pi and Linux, enhancing my skills in bash, vim, tmux, and terminal commands. This technical proficiency landed me a role at a startup, where I revamped a codebase, added new features, and debugged in React.js.

Coding for me is about automating tasks, saving time, and optimizing tedious processes. I enjoy devising efficient, accurate solutions for things like PO Sheets, invoices, and reports. Outside of coding, I keep active by running and playing golf, reconnecting with running as a hobby and discovering a passion for golf.


freeCodeCamp Seoul Website

freeCodeCamp Seoul Website

Contributions: styled layout, updated to latest version of Next.js, migrated from Pages Router to App Router, laid foundation for i18n, and reviewed pull requests.

An open source website to introduce freeCodeCamp Seoul

  • NEXT
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Suit Yourself

Suit Yourself

Problem: Boring exercises / workouts

Solution: A mobile, local-first version of a calisthenics challenge

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Running on Xero (Blog)

Running on Xero (Blog)

A blog made to celebrate minimalist running in Xero Shoes

Using Splide for carousel

  • MongoDB
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Purchase Order Generator

Encrypted Purchase Order PDF Generator

A Purchase Order Generator that encrypts Payee data. Not mobile friendly.

username and password: guest

  • MongoDB
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Problem: Found myself waffling away at the computer while learning.

Solution: A timer so I can focus and then take a break.

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Random Name Picker

Random Name Picker

Problem: Tired of using the same games to choose a student at random.

Solution: A random name picker where students could see their names on the screen.

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